Terms and Conditions

Influencer Labs Ptd. Ltd. Terms & Conditions

  1. Introduction

    1. Welcome to InfluencerLabs.com, the Online Marketing Marketplace operated by Influencer Labs Pte. Ltd., a company registered under the number 202402841N (referred to as "the company," "us," or "we"). Our registered office is located at 68 Circular Road, #02-01, 049422, Singapore

    2. By utilising our services, you hereby acknowledge and consent to the following terms and conditions that regulate the association between Influencer Labs Pte. Ltd. and each customer. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, you may refrain from proceeding with our services. It is important to note that these terms and conditions are subject to periodic updates; thus, we recommend reviewing them regularly.

    3. The entirety of the agreement between the Company and the Customer, referred to as the "Customer Agreement," consists of these Terms and the order, along with any appendices attached to the order. The Effective Date of the Customer Agreement is established as the date when the Customer places the order either through the Company's proprietary platform (the "Marketplace") or directly through a representative of the Company.

    4. These Terms apply to all services provided by the Company to the Customer, including but not limited to the Company’s link-building between the Customer and Third Parties (e.g. publishers) and preparation of articles, regardless of the ordering method.

    5. Before you place an order, if you have any questions relating to these terms and conditions, please contact our team at support@influencerLabs.com.

  2. Subcontractors

    1. The Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to involve one or more subcontractors or other third parties to carry out and deliver either the entirety or a portion of the services outlined in the Customer Agreement on its behalf.

  3. Additional Services

    1. The Customer has the option to procure additional services, referred to as the "Additional Services," from the Company. The precise terms, conditions, delivery arrangements, and pricing for these Additional Services will be mutually agreed upon by the Parties on an individual basis and will be formalised in writing. This can be done either by placing an order in the Marketplace, through a similar written medium such as email, or via phone communication with a Company representative.

    2. Unless otherwise specifically specified in the agreement concerning the Additional Services, these Terms shall also apply to the Company’s delivery of the Additional Services.

  4. Pricing

    1. The Customer is responsible for settling the agreed-upon prices for the services outlined in the order. All prices listed in the Marketplace include Singapore GST where applicable. The Company retains the right to modify prices and the pricing model in the Marketplace at its discretion and at any time.

    2. Influencer Labs Pte. Ltd. is authorised to deduct its commission fee from the customer's payment prior to disbursing the final payment to the 'Publisher’.

  5. Payment Terms

    1. The Customer is required to settle payment for a designated invoice within three days of receiving the invoice. If payment is delayed, the Company reserves the right to impose a late payment fee or, alternatively, cancel the order.

    2. Payments to Publishers will be made by the Company within 12 working days of the Publication date.

    3. If a service cannot be rendered due to circumstances for which third parties (e.g., publishers) are accountable, or if it cannot be provided within the agreed period specified in the order, the Customer will be eligible for a refund, unless otherwise stipulated in a mutually agreed-upon written agreement between the Parties.

    4. The Company will promptly notify the Customer regarding the non-completion of the service and the corresponding refund.

  6. Acknowledgements, Representations And Warranties

    1. The Customer acknowledges that the delivery of the service is contingent upon the information provided to the Company by the Customer.

    2. The Customer acknowledges that the responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the information provided to the Company rests entirely with the Customer.

    3. The Company provides no warranty regarding the service leading to any alterations in revenue or other outcomes, including website traffic, search engine rankings, or reputational impact for the Customer. All Customers agree to hold the Company harmless from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, costs and damages arising out of or in connection with the performance of the Company.

  7. References

    1. The rights to their respective names and trademarks will remain the separate and exclusive property of each Party. Nevertheless, the Company retains the entitlement to utilise the name and trademarks of the Client for marketing purposes.

  8. Indemnification

    1. The Customer agrees to indemnify hold harmless and protect the Company, its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, and suppliers from any liabilities, losses, damages, or costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from third-party allegations, claims, actions, disputes, or demands related to the Customer’s use or outcome of the Company’s website and service. This encompasses allegations, claims, actions, disputes involving infringement of any marketing practices legislation.

  9. Liability And Limitation Of Liability

    1. The Parties are responsible for damages in accordance with the general principles of Singapore law, governing any loss that the other Party may incur, subject to the limitations outlined below.

    2. The customer is strictly prohibited from using the Influencer Labs Pte. Ltd. marketplace/platform as a lead list. Any such action will result in a lifetime ban for the customer, and the customer will be liable to compensate the Company for any directly proven lost revenue incurred as a result of this misuse.

    3. The Company shall not bear responsibility for any indirect losses, including operational loss, time-related loss, costs associated with investigating a defect, loss or damage related to impacts on other software, or loss or damage caused by the service delivery.

    4. The Company shall not bear responsibility for any publications within the marketplace where the author does not have authority to publish content. The Parties agree that the Buyer bears responsibility for the risk that content may be removed in any such instance. The Company shall not bear responsibility for any indirect losses of the Parties related to this clause.

    5. The Company explicitly denies any product liability and disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy or validity of the information provided by the Customer.

    6. In any circumstance, the liability of the Company shall be restricted to the value of the order.

  10. Confidentiality

    1. Each Party agrees to treat as confidential all information obtained as a result of, or in connection with, entering into or performing the Customer Agreement. This includes information related to (a) the provisions of the Customer Agreement, (b) confidential information in the Marketplace, or (c) the other Party.

    2. The obligation of confidentiality becomes effective when the Customer gains access to confidential information (e.g., when the Customer is granted access to the Marketplace) and remains in force for a period of 5 years following the termination of the Customer Agreement.

    3. Despite the provision in clause 11.1, either Party retains the right to disclose such confidential information: (i) as mandated by applicable law or regulation or pursuant to an order from a court of competent jurisdiction or a governmental authority, (ii) as necessitated by any securities exchange or regulatory authority to which the Party is subject, (iii) with the prior written consent of the other Party, or (iv) for the purpose of enforcing any right or complying with any obligation under the Customer Agreement.

  11. Force Majeure

    1. Each Party is entitled to seek relief from liability for the non-performance of its obligations under the Customer Agreement (excluding any payment obligations) to the extent that such non-performance is a result of events, acts, omissions, occurrences, or non-occurrences beyond the reasonable control of that Party, which could not have been reasonably foreseen, prevented, or overcome in a timely manner ("Force Majeure Event"). Strikes, lock-outs, internet failures, hacker attacks, denial-of-service attacks, virus or other malicious software attacks or infections, power failures, industrial disputes affecting any third party, disasters, explosions, fires, floods, riots, terrorist attacks, and wars shall, unequivocally, be deemed Force Majeure Events.

    2. Upon realising, or should have realised that a Force Majeure Event has occurred, the affected Party must promptly provide written notice to the other Party. This notice should outline the details of the Force Majeure Event, its impact on the obligations of the affected Party, the estimated duration of the Force Majeure Event, and any proposed actions the affected Party intends to take to mitigate its effects.

    3. The Party whose performance is impacted by a Force Majeure Event is obliged to take reasonable measures to mitigate the effects of the Force Majeure Event.

    4. Once the Force Majeure Event no longer hinders the affected Party from fulfilling its obligations under the Customer Agreement, the affected Party must promptly notify the other Party. Following this notification, the affected Party should resume performance of the Customer Agreement in accordance with its terms.

  12. Governing Law

    1. The Customer Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in relation to the Customer Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Singapore law, without consideration of its principles on the choice of law.

  13. Venue

    1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Customer Agreement, including disputes regarding its existence, validity, or termination, shall be resolved by the ordinary courts of first instance in Singapore.